SOS Biz for Good

Society of Organized Services

Business is the


of our community

You help create a healthy economy and a happy community. You provide meaningful jobs and attract new visitors and new development.

Prosperous communities cannot exist without vibrant business communities.

Vibrant businesses are those that respect their employees, value their customers, and engage with the community where they do business.

You measure success not only by shareholder return but by the impact you make in your community. You understand that by doing good you can attract and retain dedicated employees, enhance customer loyalty, and help build stronger communities that are good for everyone. It is about balancing profit with purpose.

What’s good for the community is good for business.
“We strongly believe in supporting and giving back to a community that has supported us.”

– Sandy Herle, Owner of Close To You Boutique and
a proud SOS Biz for Good partner

SOS provides the

social safety net for our


We help residents of all ages when they experience times of hardship so that they can become healthier workers, supporters of local businesses, and contribute to the social fabric of our community.

Prosperous communities cannot exist without stable support systems for all residents.

Healthy communities are those that help seniors to age in place, provide opportunities for kids to thrive and create solutions for reducing poverty so that no one is left behind.

We measure success not only by how many supporters are engaged in our work, but by the lives we improve and the impact we make.

Investing in a strong social safety net is good for all of us.

SOS Biz for Good is good for your business!
“I could either eat or pay rent. I didn’t have anyone to ask. I went to SOS and was treated with respect. I got the help I needed and a couple of years later, I got back on my feet.”

– A former Emergency Assistance and Advocacy client

Balancing profit with


SOS Biz for Good is a charitable giving program that has been designed specifically for the business community. It is a convenient way for you to invest in important SOS programs and services while at the same time be given a meaningful platform to tell your story of good works.

We will track your total corporate support, including cash, corporate matching, sponsorships, employee giving amounts, third-party events, and volunteer engagement with SOS. You will be recognized for the cummulative contribution on our website and through other media communications during the year.

As you reach new milestone giving levels, a special article about your company and the impact you’re making will be published. We will also give you a special decal to display at your business and on your website and social media, letting your employees and customers know that you’re a proud SOS Biz for Good partner that believes in balancing profit with purpose.

Milestone Giving Levels

Bronze: $1000 – $4,999
Silver: $5,000 – $9,999
Gold: $10,000 -$24,999
Platinum: $25,000 +

“When you support SOS, you know your contribution will directly impact our community.”

– Rob Ohs, Ohs Marketing Group and a proud SOS Biz for Good partner

Click below to view our Biz for Good Supporters

Why your partnership

Here are some current realities we face as a community, most of which have become more critical because of the pandemic.

  • 11% of seniors are considered low-income with many unable to afford proper housing.
  • 1 in 3 children live in poverty without enough to eat, many only eating one meal a day.
  • Many residents have to choose between medication and food, as they can’t afford both.
  • Seniors without friends and family close by feel alone, uncared for and unwanted.

The lack of home, social, and school stability has created a mental health crisis for many children and youth.

Your partnership will help us build on the current programs and services we already deliver as well as expand our reach to meet the emerging needs of our most vulnerable residents. Together we can make our community
better for everyone.

It’s all about the

Your partnership protects
the social safety net of our community

To become an SOS Biz for Good partner, 
download the Pledge Form today!


SOS Programs & Services

Charitable Number: 107021537RR0001

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