New Seniors Program connects residents in Qualicum

New Seniors Program connects residents in Qualicum

A new SOS program in Qualicum Beach will help seniors meet new people, develop new friendships, and gain information on timely topics.

Seniors Connecting will run monthly at Qualicum Commons starting Sept. 11, offering seniors in Qualicum Beach and the surrounding areas an opportunity to enjoy social interaction, a light lunch and presentations.

Qualicum Beach residents who already attend the Parksville Seniors Connecting program will have the opportunity to stay in that group, or begin attending the Qualicum Beach program.

The group will meet Tuesdays from 11 am to 1 pm at Qualicum Commons, and transportation is available. The program is for residents aged 65 and over who live in Qualicum Beach, Coombs, Errington, French Creek, Whiskey Creek, Qualicum Bay and Bowser.

Call 250-752-2040 ext. 1 to register for the program. The group will meet September 11, October 23, November 13, December 11, January 8, 2019, February 12, and March 13 at the Qualicum Commons Library.

Personal Growth Groups start in September

Personal Growth Groups start in September

What steps are you taking toward your own personal growth? Life is busy, and we can forget about the importance of our own personal journey. The feedback we have received about SOS Personal Growth Groups reveal how important they are to community members. One male participant wrote, “I would recommend this group to anyone who is looking for tools and a sense of communion around the journey of being a man.” A participant shared this insight on the Women’s group: “We can join together and be that shoulder to lean on. I’ve grown a lot and I always leave there feeling really good.”

SOS Personal Growth Groups start at the SOS Community Services Centre in Parksville in September. Check the poster below for details, and call 250-248-2093 ext. 225 to register. 

Parking lot expansion at the Thrift Shop

Parking lot expansion at the Thrift Shop

SOS is excited to announce our parking lot expansion at the Thrift Shop will begin very shortly, and should be completed in a couple of months. The parking lot improvements will result in an increase in the number of parking spaces from 31 to 53. The expansion will take place on the vacant grassy lot to the East of the Thrift Shop.

We would like to thank donors for their continued support at the Thrift Shop, and remind people to please drop off donations between the hours of 8:30 am- 4:00 pm seven days a week to ensure that your donations are received by staff. Items dropped off outside these hours may be stolen or vandalized, and may attract people who continue to vandalize our locked garbage dumpsters, looking for more items. We appreciate your support at the Thrift Shop, as it keeps all of our community programs and services running!

50th Anniversary Qualicum Celebration

50th Anniversary Qualicum Celebration

It was a beautiful day to celebrate 50 years of SOS at our location at Qualicum Commons on Saturday, July 14. Event-goers enjoyed hula hooping, ballon animals, live music, bracelet making, bubbles, a vintage clothing race and a wonderfull spread of snacks and cupcakes provided by Qualicum Foods. SOS Executive Director Susanna Newton welcomed people to the event, and founding member Edith Chamberlayne said a few words about reaching such an amazing milestone in the community, and how proud she was of what SOS has become.