

In today’s fast-paced and stressful world, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the challenges of everyday life. When we are having trouble coping, our family, friendships, and work are all affected.

Counselling is an effective way to work through these challenges and develop strategies to help you cope and create greater happiness in your life.

SOS assists in providing referrals for counseling to low-income adults- individuals or couples. These are short-term, solution-focused sessions led by local, contracted, professional counsellors. 

Challenges may include:
• Situational anxiety, depression, or stress
• Marital or parenting difficulties
• Issues where 1 – 5 solution-focused sessions may be appropriate

The fee is determined on an individual basis.

This program is partially funded by the Ministry of Children and Family Development.

SOS also offers Personal Growth Groups. Enhance your quality of life and develop trust, support and confidence.
Click here to learn more about the Personal Growth Group

To register for the Counselling Referral program, please call 250-752-2040 ext. 200.

The intake takes place at the SOS Community Services Centre in Parksville  (245 Hirst Ave. West) 

For more information call or email

Charitable Number: 107021537RR0001

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