Enjoy Your Baby is a 5-week group-based mental health promotion course based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) principles that provides support and training in skills to maintain wellness and cope with low mood, stress and anxiety in the year after the birth of a child. Parents will explore how to manage their feelings when stressed or worried, and learn skills to help them tackle problems and navigate life transitions and difficulties.
SOS has partnered with the Canadian Mental Health Association to bring this workshop to local families. The Canadian Mental Health Association, BC Division holds the exclusive Canadian license to Enjoy Your Baby, a Living Life to the Full course.
Dates: Tuesdays, Feb. 11 – March 11, 2025. 9 am – 11 am, during SOS TICTAC Program.
Location: SOS Community Services Centre, Parksville. 245 Hirst Ave. W.
To sign up, contact: Taylor, 250.228.4066 or cyfcoordinator@sosd69.com