SOS XYZ Generations presents Throwback Thursday Game Night

SOS Community Services Centre 245 West Hirst Avenue, Parksville, BC, Canada

You are invited! SOS XYZ Generations presents Throwback Thursday Game Night Drop-in and become part of the XYZ Gen Group, a meetup group for adults. Join us for games, mocktails […]



SOS Thrift Shop 188 Hirst Avenue West, Parksville, British Columbia, Canada

Our #SOSTeenShop event is on May 3, 4:30 - 6:30 pm. For local youth ages 12-19, come by for amazing deals, live music, prizes and more! Special Guest, Rapper and […]

SOS Legacy Concert

Click here to purchase Concert tickets and Legacy Globe This year marks SOS's 55-years of caring in the Parksville Qualicum Beach region, and we are hosting a special Legacy Concert […]


SOS Thrift Shop Anniversary and Customer Appreciation

SOS Thrift Shop 188 Hirst Avenue West, Parksville, British Columbia, Canada

Date: Thursday, Sept. 21. Location: SOS Thrift Shop, 188 Hirst Ave. W. Parksville. Time: 10 am-3 pm. SOS Thrift Shop has been at its current location on Hirst Avenue for […]

XYZ Generations Foraging Tour

Grace United Church Coombs 2304 Alberni Hwy, Coombs, BC, Canada

Attention all XYZ Generations! Our next event is on Thursday September 28, 5:30 - 6:30 pm in Coombs! Do you want to learn more about identifying local edibles and medicinal […]

Silver Spur

SOS Thrift Shop 188 Hirst Avenue West, Parksville, British Columbia, Canada

The Silver Spur Toy Ride will take place Sunday, Nov. 26. Horses and riders from the Silver Spur Riding Club will dress up for this festive occasion and parade down […]