“Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they’re worthless,
but because they’re priceless.”
~ Sherry Anderson
55 years ago SOS humbly began around a kitchen table by three passionate volunteers in response to the needs of individuals and families in District 69 that were going unmet. That is our proud origin story and one that continues to be our mission to this day.
Envisioned by volunteers and still fueled by volunteers, SOS could not exist without them. Volunteers contribute their knowledge and expertise to SOS Programs and the Thrift Shop’s growing success. It is for that reason that we are able to offer so many important community programs and services that sustain our community’s social safety net. Yes indeed, our volunteers are priceless!
SOS volunteer coordinator Heather Jones says that before the pandemic, SOS had approximately 350 volunteers, but because of the disruption over the past three years, today that number sits at just over 200.
“We’ve had a great response this year to our call for Christmas volunteers, which is wonderful,” says Jones. “However, our Thrift Shop has not been able to run at full capacity recently due to a shortage of volunteers and staff.”
Jones listed the top three areas where SOS is currently in need of volunteers.
Thrift Shop Volunteers – We are in need of more hands to help our Thrift Shop run smoothly. It is the main funder of all our programs and services and critical to our operations.
Grocery Bus Volunteers – Help our local seniors shop for their groceries! This service picks them up, supports them with shopping, and returns them to their homes.
Volunteer Drivers – Support residents’ health and independence by driving for Meals On Wheels or Medical Appointment Transportation Service.