SOS XYZ Generations Group

SOS XYZ Generations Group

Society of Organized Services (SOS) has started up a new social group to engage residents ages 25-55, otherwise known as generations X, Y and Z.

By forming this group, SOS hopes to promote healthy social lives and interpersonal connections, start conversations and gather information about community interests.

The group held its first event on March 9, 2023 at the SOS Community Services Centre in Parksville. Throwback Thursday Game Night was complete with retro gaming consoles, big screens, board games, mocktails and snacks. While gaming can be a solitary activity, this nostalgic event made use of couch co-op games, designed to be played and enjoyed by multiple people on the same screen.

Moving forward, XYZ is looking at holding regularly scheduled events that provide physical spaces for adults to play.

Committee members are currently working on a Foraging Tour in Coombs in the fall of 2023. Details will be released in the News section of the SOS website, on SOS social media pages, on posters around town, and through SOS’s E-newsletter. Sign up for SOS emails by clicking here. Once you receive your first email, you can set your preferences for future emails.

Other possible future XYZ events include pop up arcades, board game nights, forest walks, or beach hang outs.

If you want to meet new people (without the stress of professional networking and business cards), join XYZ! Let us know below what events you’d like to participate in, and our team will make it happen.

For more information contact:
Lissa Alexander
Communications Manager





National Indigenous Peoples Day Event

National Indigenous Peoples Day Event

We were honoured and proud to host our National Indigenous Peoples Day event. It was great to see everyone coming together in the last dance of the evening!
Thank you again to the MCs, the dancers, Chief Michael Recalma, and the public for attending and making the event memorable.
Scroll to view more photos:
55th Anniversary Legacy Events

55th Anniversary Legacy Events

On June 28, Tom Jackson entertained at Berwick Parksville, the host partner for the SOS Legacy Reception and Concert. Raymond James Qualicum Beach Branch sponsored Jackson’s performance.

The evening began with the private Legacy Reception on the sixth floor in the Top Side Lounge, where Berwick staff passed out hors d’oeuvres and guests sipped on beverages provided by Mount Arrowsmith Brewing and 40 Knots Winery. Tom Jackson and his wife Alison mingled with guests while emcee Don Dempson talked about SOS’s 55th Anniversary and the All in 4 Kids Campaign. He thanked all the sponsors, including major sponsors The Bayside Oceanfront Resort and Windsor Plywood Foundation, along with numerous SOS Biz for Good partners.

Following the reception, many guests made their way down to the Berwick Theatre for the Legacy Concert, a sold-out event. Qualicum First Nations Chief Michael Recalma opened the event with a welcome, and jingle dancers Sienna Faulconer (Osow Kihew Iskwew) and Dyani Erickson (Asini Waci Iskwew) from Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation danced their way down the aisles and onto the stage.

Tom Jackson told stories and spoke of the importance of love and kindness in making our nation a better place. He played several songs on his guitar in this theme and sang along, drawing enthusiastic applauses from audience members.

Jackson was presented with an original Ken Kirkby painting at the end of his performance, a piece the renowned Canadian painter had selected for Tom before his passing the week before the event. Kirkby’s wife Nana Cook provided a copy of the eulogy to present to Jackson with the painting.

SOS debuted a new film, Inspiring the Future, sponsored by Kim Holl from Stories Told on Film. The film featured local youth and began and ended with SOS child, youth & family coordinator Keenan Bevan who attended SOS programs when he was younger. Bevan introduced a new initiative called 100 NextGen Who Care. This movement will focus on preparing the next generation of dreamers and leaders for the problems they will need to solve in the next few decades.  The aim is to help local youth and young adults to become more engaged with others in our community through volunteerism, mentoring, civic engagement, and philanthropy. More details will be released on this initiative soon on the SOS website.

SOS has also partnered with Robert Held Art Glass to create Legacy Globes. These one-of-a-kind commemorative keepsakes are a symbol of hope for the future, and all proceeds support the SOS All in 4 Kids Campaign. Legacy Globes are still available for purchase through the SOS website.

Many desirable door prizes were given out at the event thanks to business sponsors, including M&N Mattress & Sofa Shop, Qualicum Beach Inn & Qualicum Beach Café and The Bayside Oceanfront Resort.

SOS Executive Director Susanna Newton said she wishes to thank everyone who supported the Legacy events and helped make them so successful. She also wants to thank all SOS’s supporters, including the many incredible volunteers and staff who share the vision of a strong and inclusive community for all local residents.

For more information about SOS, to make a donation or to purchase a Legacy Globe, visit

Find below some images of the events:


100 NextGen Who Care

100 NextGen Who Care

This movement will focus on preparing the next generation of dreamers and leaders for the problems we will face and will need to solve in the next few decades.

We will do that by helping youth and young adults to become more engaged with others in our community through volunteerism, mentoring, civic engagement, and philanthropy.

We are excited about the possibilities and enthusiastic about our future.  But this group will need to work in partnership with the generations that came before them.

More details about this initiative will be coming soon!

Celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day with SOS!

Celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day with SOS!


SOS is hosting a National Indigenous Peoples Day celebration on June 21 at Memorial Plaza and the public is invited to attend!


SOS has been marking this important day internally for several years and is excited to open this event up as a shared learning opportunity and celebration. Come experience Indigenous culture including men’s and women’s traditional, jingle, and fancy shawl style dancing.


The event will take place from 5 to 6 pm. Memorial Plaza is located on Memorial Avenue between Alberni Highway and McMillan Street. If you are interested in sharing some of your Indigenous Culture during this celebration, email us at

2023 Annual General Meeting

2023 Annual General Meeting

SOS is hosting our AGM on June 26 at 6 pm at the SOS Community Services Centre in Parksville.

To attend, please RSVP by calling 250-248-2093 ext. 231 by June 16.

To read the AGM package, including proposed amendments to bylaws, and the introduction of nominees for election, please click here.